doa manasye bahasa Inggris
- The prayer is included in some editions of the Greek Septuagint.
Doa Manasye terdapat dalam beberapa edisi Septuaginta Yunani. - The prayer is chanted during the Orthodox Christian and Byzantine Catholic service of Great Compline.
Doa Manasye dilantunkan dalam ibadat Completorium Agung Kristen Ortodoks dan Katolik Bizantin. - BCE to 100 CE) Prayer of Manasseh (sometimes in Apocrypha, Jewish from c. early 1st cent.
SM 100 CE) Doa Manasye (kadang-kadang dalam Apokrifa Yahudi dari c. awal 1 persen. - Codex Vaticanus originally contained a virtually complete copy of the Septuagint ("LXX"), lacking only 1-4 Maccabees and the Prayer of Manasseh.
Codex Vaticanus diyakini asalnya memuat salinan lengkap Septuaginta ("LXX"), hanya tanpa memuat 1-4 Makabe dan Doa Manasye. - The Prayer of Manasseh is a short work of 15 verses recording a penitential prayer attributed to king Manasseh of Judah.
Doa Manasye adalah suatu karya singkat yang terdiri dari 15 ayat, berisikan doa penitensial Raja Manasye dari Yehuda. - Myles Coverdale's translations chiefly from German and Latin sources completed the Old Testament and Biblical apocrypha, except for the Prayer of Manasses which was Rogers'.
Terjemahan Myles Coverdale dari sumber bahasa Jerman dan Latin melengkapi Perjanjian Lama dan Apokrifa, kecuali Kitab Apokrif Doa Manasye. - In these prologues, Jerome mentions all of the deuterocanonical and apocryphal works by name as being apocryphal or "not in the canon" except for Prayer of Manasses and Baruch.
Dalam Prolog-prolog, Hieronimus menyebutkan semua karya deuterokanonika dan apokrif sebagai kitab-kitab apokrif atau "tidak terdapat dalam kanon" kecuali kitab Doa Manasye dan Barukh. - In addition to this, the Orthodox Tewahedo Old Testament includes the Prayer of Manasseh, 3 Ezra, and 4 Ezra, which also appear in the canons of other Christian traditions.
Selain itu, Perjanjian Lama Ortodoks Tewahedo juga memasukkan Doa Manasye, Ezra 3, dan 4 Ezra, yang juga muncul dalam kanon lainnya dalam tradisi Kristen. - Finally, within the Orthodox Tewahedo tradition, 3 Ezra is called Second Ezra, 4 Ezra is called Ezra Sutu'el, and the Prayer of Manasseh is incorporated into the Second Book of Chronicles.
Dalam tradisi Ortodoks Tewahedo, 3 Ezra disebut Ezra Kedua, 4 Ezra disebut Ezra Sutu'el, dan Doa Manasye dimasukkan ke dalam Kitab 2 Tawarikh.